2012年10月21日 星期日

Add colour to your life . . .

Hi everyone! It’s Mr. Chapman! I am so happy that so many people replied to my blog last time and I hope to hear from more of you this time. Many of you will know that one of Mr. Chapman’s hobbies is painting. I paint in my spare time, and painting makes me relax. A piece of paper or a canvas is where I can set my mind free, where anything is possible.


Here is an example of one of my paintings, I love to draw and paint cars. This car is called a “Ford GT40”. It is a very famous car and I think it is very beautiful. What do you think?


Every painting starts with a picture or an idea. The first thing I do is to draw the object onto a piece of paper or a canvas. This time I am painting a Ferrari, which is one of my favourite cars. This part can take a lot of time, but it is very important, because if the drawing is bad, then the painting will be bad.


It is also very important to have the correct materials to paint. I enjoy painting with water colours. What type of paint do you use?
Sometimes Mr. Chapman likes to save money, and use things he can find at home. In this picture you can see I am using my cup to hold water for the paints. I don’t think it will taste very nice.


The next step is painting! This is really fun, but you must take your time! I spent two hours painting this car. Do you think it looks nice?

What do you think I should paint next?